Getting a Membership is a really exciting time for many Prodigy fans. What do kids get with a Prodigy Math Membership? Ultimate Membership ($14.95 USD per month).Level Up Membership ($9.95 USD per month).There are two types of Prodigy Math Memberships available: This can really help if you want more ways to support your child's math education. You can set goals, give rewards and get educational resources to help your child offline. Plus, if your child has a Membership, you'll also get extra tools in their parent dashboard to help them learn math. And unlike textbooks or pricey video games, Prodigy Memberships are affordable, educational AND fun!

Giving your a child a Membership is a great choice for an educational gift or as a way to incentivize them to do extra math. So to help make sure we can keep our games available to all children, we offer Memberships to parents that provide even more game content for their child to explore.

That's because our mission to help every child love learning. Whether they get a Membership or not, all educational content in the game is free for your child to access. If your child is already using Prodigy Math, you may have heard them mention a Membership.